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IC & RC Harm Reduction Specialist (HRS) Training Evaluation
IC & RC Harm Reduction Specialist (HRS) Training Evaluation
Please list the date your training began:
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please list the date your training ended:
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please rate the knowledge and effectiveness of the presenter(s):
5 being excellent and 1 being poor
Were the learning objectives met?
If you respond "Other" please elaborate.
Rate your knowledge of the course topic BEFORE the course.
Not at all knowledgeable
Slightly knowledgeable
Moderately knowledgeable
Very knowledgeable
Extremely knowledgeable
Rate your knowledge of the course topic now, AFTER, the course.
Not at all knowledgeable
Slightly knowledgeable
Moderately knowledgeable
Very knowledgeable
Extremely knowledgeable
How relevant is this course to your current work?
Not at all relevant
Slightly relevant
Moderately relevant
Very relevant
Extremely relevant
What is your opinion of the balance of lecture and interactivity in this course?
Too much lecture and not enough interactive learning
Right amount of lecture and interactive learning
Too much interactive learning and not enough lecture
Will you use what you learned in this course in your work?
Definitely not
Probably not
Probably yes
Definitely yes
Not applicable - I did not learn anything new from this course
What factors will keep you from using the content of this course in your work?
Check all that apply.
There are no barriers noted at this time
I need additional training in the subject matter
I will not have the resources I need
I will not be provided opportunities to use what I learned
I will not have the time to use what I learned
My supervisor will not support me in using what I learned
My colleagues will not support me in using what I learned
The course content is not relevant to my current work
Other (Please specify)
Please Sepecify
What, if anything, do you plan to use from this course?
How could this course be improved to make it a more effective learning experience?
What part of this course was most helpful to your learning?
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